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My Life in Art

My Life Stories

The Miser – Adapted by Carolyn Ruth Hunt


A Play by Moliere

An Adaptation by Carolyn Ruth  Hunt (1967)

This play was created to be a shorter,  simpler version of the original “Miser”  to be presented to high school students, acted by high school students.  

It was put together, page by page, by working with 4 or 5 different translated versions, plus direct comparison, speech by speech, with the original French  version.  

Besides cutting out the 4th act,  language  was chosen to simplify and move the scenes rapidly forward. This version was presented at Courter Tech High School,  1967.   This version was also the basis, with the 4th act restored,  for a performance the following year by University of Cincinnati Dept of Drama, produced and directed by Paul Rutledge.